sábado, diciembre 06, 2008

TOMA consenso científico, parte nosecuántas: 2008 será el año más frío de la década:
Global average for 2008 should come in close to 14.3C, but cooler temperature is not evidence that global warming is slowing, say climate scientists.
Claro, un año más frío no quiere decir que no haya calientamento global. Claro que, por la misma regla de tres, el que un año sea anormalmente cálido tampoco quiere decir que sí lo hay, y a pesar de ello los mismos que ahora son tan cautos cuando la temperatura baja hayan estado berreando que la catástrofe se avecina cada vez que sube unas décimas.

Así no es extraño que -en contra de lo que dicen los medios de comunicación tradicionales, para quienes el consenso es aboluto- cada vez haya más científicos críticos con la ecohisteria (via Toni Mascaró):
Lawrence Solomon, a longtime environmental activist, began wondering a few years ago how it could be that some scientists were questioning the apparently solid consensus that humans are causing a global warming crisis. He began seeking them out, and interviewing them on the topic.

Before long, Solomon came to realize a substantial number of the world's leading scientists are making a very strong case that humans are not causing any sort of global warming crisis.
La clave es esto:
Global warming has become a critical question for citizens who must decide whether the cures being bandied about are not in fact worse than the disease.

In matters of health, most intelligent citizens seek a second opinion before undergoing a serious medical procedure, but in the case of global warming, a second opinion is exactly what global warming activists do not want you to seek, for fear it will reduce the effectiveness of their fear-mongering. Therefore, we are treated to a continuous drumbeat of the words, "the science is settled."