domingo, mayo 30, 2004

NO ES QUE SEA NECESARIO dar la noticia, porque es sobradamente conocida. Pero como he escrito sobre ello antes en varias ocasiones, no puedo dejar de confirmar la noticia de que, tras tres semanas de un levantamiento amplificado histéricamente por los medios de comunicación, el clérigo borderline Muqtada al-Sadr ha rendido sus muchachos y él mismo ha puesto pies en polvorosa.

En US News & World Report (via Glenn Reynolds) explican todos los detalles, y acaban con un párrafo digno de resaltar:
Publicly furious with the occupation, the citizens are also privately blaming Sadr for bringing the fighting to the holiest Shiite city, and they say that they will be grateful when he and his ragtag bandit army leave. "Things were very good two months ago. It was a peaceful town. Then people from outside our city came in [and] the majority of the fighters came from outside of Najaf," said Ali Nasser, 25, while eating a lunch of stewed lamb and rice in the emptied bazaar. "When the Americans first came here, they played soccer and dominoes with us. They were just like our friends. We didn't even see a tank."